Holden's website
About this site
This is my personal website where I host several projects I work on in my free time. They are mainly about C programming, Webcams, Linux, Electronic Circuits, PIC microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi etc.
Linux / Programming
- hwebcam v4l2 webcam capture/streaming program in Ogg/Theora/Vorbis format
- Seren VoIP conference program with ncurses interface based on the Opus codec
- parole A simple cli VoIP program based on the Opus codec
- pf-upnp Cli program to list/query/add/remove port forwarding entries using UPnP
PIC Microcontrollers
- rpp Raspberry Pi PIC Programmer using GPIO
- synthesizer.c A simple music synthesizer. I wrote this program because I wanted to put a tune inside a microcontroller, but I wanted to check first if all the notes were correct. This is the kind of output it can produce: happybirthday.ogg, odetojoy.ogg, and overtherainbow.ogg
Random Numbers
- chua Random Sequence Generator based on Chua Circuit
- avalanche Random Sequence Generator based on Avalanche Noise
C Language / Old stuff
- fdm An electromagnetic field simulator I implemented a while back. It uses the finite difference method in order to solve simple problems such as finding the electric potential in the region between two perfect conductors. These are some of the images of the simulations (click on the image to enlarge): More images here, here and here
- hftp A simple ftp client
- balls.c This one generates a sequence of images of moving balls that you can join together into a movie, like this one
If you want to reach me, try on irc.freenode.net, I use the nickname Holden.
Or you can send me an email at:
'echo bXl3aW5nODFAZ21haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d'
Copyright (C) 2012 Giorgio Vazzana